8.12-oz Cool Whip
2 cups milk
Quickly dip cookies in milk, shake off excess liquid, and layer in 9 inch pie plate, breaking cookies to fill any gaps. Once the first layer is complete, top with a thin layer of Cool Whip. Repeat twice more, making the last layer of Cool Whip a bit thicker. Garnish with chocolate syrup if desired. Place is freezer 2-3 hours before serving. Serves 6-8.
Note: You must dip cookies quickly (I dipped, counted 1,2,3 then took cookie out) or your pie will be very soggy. Make sure to shake off excess milk as well so that you do not have a puddle of milk in your pie. You will have leftover milk but you need that amount to completely submerge the cookie. For me, the 8-oz of cool whip only made two layers. I also think you can use any type of cookies. I used a generic chocolate chip cookie and it turned out good.